Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saying good-bye.... Then hello....

I had packed everything up, paid everything that needed to be paid, had bye bye dinners with friends and even said good-bye to my church family. My Pastor told me, from the pulpit, that he didn't want me to go. In front of everyone, he told me that I was not making a wise decision but that since he loved me like a daughter, that he would support me. Naomi had called a few days before because she found an apartment that she liked and I had sent the rent and security deposit to them. It was arranged that they would meet me with the keys on October 3, 2006 in front of the apartment. Cable was coming, the phone company would install my phone on the 4th and by the 5th, I would be all settled into my new home. My old house was packed up, had been packed since I returned from Ohio and I was ready to go.

Isaiah was worried about my driving such a large truck to Ohio by myself, he kept asking me was I sure I could make the drive. I felt fine about it but didn't so he decided to catch the bus to Niagara Falls to help me drive back. I paid his bus fare and he arrived on the big day! I was so excited to see him. As soon as we got a moment alone, we kissed and held each other until it was time to go get the truck. I still remember how happy I was to see him again. I couldn't believe that I was actually going to get to ride next to him in the truck for the next SIX hours. When we got to UHaul, they started giving me a hard time about a truck that I had reserved nearly a month before! I was livid, I had PAID for the truck in advance and when we went to get it, it was not there. While Mom and Isaiah were sitting in her car waiting for me, he got a call from his "wife", my mom heard her tell Isaiah that us having a hard time getting the truck was a sign that maybe I shouldn't be coming there! She denied that 'til kingdom come, when I asked her about it. Liar.... Anyway, shortly after her stupid comment, we got a truck! It was HUGE but it was a truck. SO, we went back to the house, packed it up and got ready to leave. Saying good-bye to my mom was difficult. I had to leave her when I left Syracuse to move to Niagara Falls, then I left her again, moving to Ohio. She kissed the kids and told them she would visit soon and if they needed her, to call her. Then she discreetly pulled Isaiah to the side for a brief conference and then off we went!

The drive was longer than it was supposed to be because we were given a junk truck. I know little Miss Insecurity probably thought that we screwed all the way to Ohio but she was WRONG! She was wrong about alot of things.We stopped once, and gassed up twice but the truck was the cause of a 6 hour drive turning into a 9 hour drive. We drove into Ohio at about 10 that night and his "wife" came to pick him up after he parked the truck. He made me come down to the parking lot to hug her, yes he MADE me hug you. I didn't want to, didn't even want to see you. But what he wanted, right? She went and got back in their van and I went back up to the room with Isaiah (he wanted to say good-night to me and the kids.). He kissed me, and told me that he'd see me in the morning. As I lay in the bed with my kids, I sincerely thought I was making a fresh start for us. I prayed that every transition would go smoothly and that I would fulfill whatever purpose I was there to fulfill. Then I fell asleep.....

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