Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A problem easily solved.... By me!!! (My visit to Ohio)

After he left, I assumed that we had gotten this "thing" between us out of our systems and that he would go back to his real life and I would go back to my very busy life. However, that was not really the case. As I wrote in a past blog, even after his wife and family came back from Syracuse he continued to call me as he did when he was alone. I began to ask myself, why isn't his wife more comcerned. I KNOW I would have wondered why, after 13 years apart, my husband NEEDED to talk to another woman constantly. At this point, I thought she was very stupid. There is no way I would have allowed my husband to talk endlessly with another woman, so I figured  that he was right in his perception that she wasn't interested in him anymore. She wasn't having sex with him, wasn't showing him any kind of affection and at her OWN admission, doesn't really care for sex. I have a question; Why on EARTH would you marry a man who LOVES sex (AND HE DOES) when you don't? Ladies, if your man loves sex and you could take it or leave it, you may want to rethink your decision to marry him. Otherwise , you will spend your entire marriage getting cheated on. I guarantee it.

He called me at the end of August stressing because his "best" singer, (Not really, but OK) decided at the last possible moment to back out of an extremely important engagement that his group was scheduled for. He started off by hinting that he wished that I could come down just for that engagement to help out. Being very eager to see him again, I agreed to drive over to Ohio for GospelFest. I made arrangements for my children to spend the weekend with my sister and made the 5.5 hour drive with the group's CD playing so I could learn the material on the way. Pretty easy stuff but he thought I needed it.... Whatever.. Anyway, I got there late due to his bad directions! I went to the hotel first and called him to let him know that I made it to town. He sounded relieved, as I don't think that he really thought I was going to come down. When I walked into their rehearsal, he introduced me to his group, several of whom I fell instantly in love with. They were very nice people and made me feel at home, well except for one young lady. She was the only white GIRL in the group, (There was a white dude too) and thought, for some reason that she knew about black music than black PEOPLE did! LOL I found her amusing, figuring I would just deal with her attitude for the weekend and then never see her again after I went back home. Listening to the CD on the way into the city showed me a little of what to expect when I got there. You could tell that no one REALLY knew what they were doing as far as singing in a gospel group! Isaiah directed and ran the sound which seemed to bascially consist of making each microphone as loud as possible! I think he lives by the creed: The Louder The Better because that's all it sounded like. A bunch of noise in half harmony.Now, I am not going to say that he didn't possess some pretty good singers, he did. They just didn't sound GREAT together. His wife CANNOT sing, no not even background and it' PAINFULLY apparent that the only reason she's there is because she is "supoosedly" married to him. Another question: Why do  musicians always choose wives that cannot sing and then hire singers? Wouldn't it be more cost-effective to simply marry a woman who doesn't sound like a post operative transvestite (AND looks PRE-OPERATIVE) to sing with you? That first rehearsal was uncomfortable and I spent most of the time fake smiling and acting like I was singing along. As I said before, a few of the singers were genuinely nice people and I am still friends with them to this day, however they need to find another group to sing with if they ever plan to be anything because he's crap and that's all he's going to be. Sorry, but the BIBLE says, if a man doesn't take care of his children that he is WORST than an infidel. God's word not mine....

After rehearsal, we sat around chatting and he wanted me to sing for everyone, however I politely let him know that I am NO trick pony. LOL I did NOT sing. He told his wife that he was going to take me to eat, drive me back to the hotel and that he would be home shortly. I don't think that she or I believed that but I made sure that's exactly what happened! He took me to Popeye's Chicken, which I had been craving forever, and took me back to the hotel. We sat in the car and ate, then went into the hotel room. Did we make love again? No. This time I talked to him for a little while, kissed him and sent him home to his wife. I think that seeing her made me uncomfortable about doing anything with him. But believe me, that feeling only lasted for that one night....

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