Sunday, July 18, 2010

Good-bye Ohio.... For now..

Early the next morning, I thought I was going to get to sleep in, but nope! As sleepy as I still was, (Nothing like a good orgasm, I suppose) he called me and told me to get ready for church. That he would be by to pick me up at about 11am. It was only 8, but I decided to get up anyway. I figured today was my last day with him,  and I wanted to look wonderful! PLUS, I wanted to get everything packed up so that I could check out. Packing? Easy. The reason it's so easy is because I don't leave everything lying around, when I'm done with it, I roll it up and put in the bottom of the suitcase which was open on the floor under the vanity. All I really had to do was lay out my outfit for church,  take out the day bag, pack the change of clothes for after church and some things for freshening up just in case we had plans and pack up my make-up and other personal things and roll up my curlers and flat irons as I was done using them! There! At 8:15 I was all done packing! LOL Not even a record, I've been done quicker than that before. I opened up my laptop and listened to some music while I hopped in the shower, then I got dressed, finished my hair (which decided to act right after giving me hell all weekend!) and applied my make-up. Since the rental office was about two doors down and Isaiah was on his way, ( he called while I was putting  my make-up on) I left the door open and went to check-out. When I got back, he was taking my bags to the car. I went in and did a sweep, making sure that I hadn't left anything. I grabbed my Louis and my laptop and we were out of  there. WAIT!! Rewind................there of out were we and laptop my and Louis my grabbed I..... He came back into the room because he said, he just HAD to kiss me. We kissed for few minutes, not long because he was ruining my lip-gloss!! LOL PLUS we had to sit in the car for another five minutes trying to get my glitter off of his lips. Then it was off to church with his family. Church? It was OK, I was too busy trying to pretend like he and I were just friends in front of his "wife" and kids. It was a pretty boring service, with him making me uncomfortable because while I was trying to conceal what we had been doing, he was wearing it all over his face. I distracted myself by looking at what his "wife" was wearing. Wow. It was kind of sad, she was dressed like someone's grandmother. Just like it's possible to dress younger than you are, it's possible to dress older.  A tip: If you have an outfit that your mom just love, GIVE IT TO HER! It's too old for you, just right for her. No make-up, whack hair. I just couldn't undestand why she didn't keep herself better. Oh well, it wasn't my place to tell her she looked whack, so I didn't. The kids were cute, the younger ones liked me immediately and I liked them too. Why? Because they were his kids, I loved him and I loved his kids too. If I was fake about liking his "wife", I was never fake about loving those kids.

After church we went to one of his group member's house to have a farewell dinner. For moi? Awwwww, how sweet! It was sweet too, everyone from the group was there and it was then that Isaiah decided to tell everyone that I was moving...... TO COLUMBUS!! What??? Huh??? I never planned to move to Columbus, my JOB was in Cincinatti! Why on earth would I move to Columbus? Where I would have to watch him be married to a woman that I don't even LIKE. To sing in a group that's mediocre at best? Why would I do that when I sing in a B O M B choir, one of the best in New York? To move from that to this, PLUS we never even DISCUSSED this. Why would he make such an announcement without even telling me? All of these things were running through my MIND, but when I opened my mouth all that came out was, "I'll be back in October."

I couldn't believe he put me on the spot like that but when I moved there I saw that it was par for the course. He wasn't running HIS house, so he had to run something, right? Anyway, it was time for me to go home. Home to tell my family that me and the kids were moving to Columbus, OH in ONE MONTH! Wow, right? Jimmy (the musician friend who came from Syracuse to play for GospelFest) needed a ride home so I agreed to take him back with me. The plan was to drive to Niagara Falls (it was closer) to get my mom, Cieyana and Kennedy (Karson was still with his TiTi), then take Jimmy home so that I wouldn't have to drive back alone. First, I had to say good-bye to Isaiah. Not an easy thing to do, this is when I knew I had to come back. At that point, I felt like I needed him, I knew I wouldn't have him as JUST mine, but I was willing to take whatever part of him that I could get. We were trying to figure out a good way to get back to New York, when Isaiah came over and said that he would take us to the thru-way. We thought we were on our way out when I saw that we were going back to his house. He got out of his car and told me to come in, told Jimmy to wait that he had something to give me. He did. He kissed me all over my face, my neck, my lips. Touched my face, my breasts, waist and yes my behind. However, this wasn't about sex, it was about us saying good-bye. I was going to miss him so much, while I stood there I missed him. I wanted to hurry and leave so I could hurry and get back to him. I loved him so much in that moment. I thought I would love him forever.......

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