Thursday, July 15, 2010

The big question.....

I know you are asking yourself if I slept with him during the visit. Well, rather than keep you in suspense I'll tell you: No we didn't make love. However, we did other things. We kissed, we made out and did alot of touching but we didn't sleep together that weekend.

Anyway, now that we don't have to talk about that again..... Today! LOL
I had a good night's sleep and a leisurely day at the hotel. I kinda wished I'd kept the rental so I could have gone out and done a little exploring instead of staying inside all day but I did get some things done, made some phone calls that I needed to make and such. Plus I wanted to check on my children and make sure they were OK, since I didn't get to speak with them immediately after I'd gotten in. Isaiah FINALLY called and told me that he was going to come and get me on his lunchbreak so I wouldn't have to sit inside all day so I got dressed and waited for him. He came pulling up about half an hour later with a HUGE smile on his face. I asked why he was smiling like that and he told me that he was just SO happy that I was with me. He came into the room while I finished grabbing my things. We DID make out for a while, but we couldn't do much more because he had to get back to work. He called his "wife" and told her that he was taking me to work with him. He asked if I wanted to go to his house, but I said NO WAY! I didn't really want to spend that much time with her, if I had  my way, I wouldn't have seen her the WHOLE weekend! Sorry, but I did say that I was going to be truthful in this blog. While I did have to pretend to like her, I'm not in a position where I have to do it now! Do I like her? No. Did I ever like her? No.

We went to grab something to eat and then we went to his office. While we were there, we fooled around a little bit but not much because he had a few co-workers wandering in and out. We made the labels and cases for his CDs that he planned to sell at GospelFest and put them together. It sounds tedious but you have to understand where I was. I was IN LOVE at that point. Watching PAINT DRY would have been interesting because we were together! We flirted and played around until about 4 pm, after about 3 we were completely alone, so we did take advantage of the situation. We did a little more kissing, some dancing and just being with each other. That was my favorite part, just being with him....

After we left the office, we went to MicroCenter, he needed more supplies for the CDs plus he needed to return something (I never knew what). While he was trapped in customer service, I went to the Apple Store and bought him a surprise. He never even knew I was going to buy it for him! We left MicroCenter and went to get gas and something to drink. After he came out of the gas station, I presented him with his gift: a brand new, black 30GB iPod. He was SO happy, he nearly cried. He wasn't emotional because of the gift, he was emotional because he said that while he was always buying thing to make other people happy, that no one ever really did that for him. He kissed me and just looked at me for a long time. I was thrilled, he told me I was the only woman who really tried to make him happy. We weren't alone for too much more of the day, we were surrounded by group members and musicians and his family but I had that moment all to myself and I was happy about it.

Singing at GospelFest? Well, it was interesting. It wasn't GREAT, but it wasn't horrible either. When you're used to singing with people who can REALLY sing, it's hard to go backward. Think in these terms: How would you feel if you had graduated from college and now someone comes to you and tells you that you have to go back to Kindergarten? Singing has been my life for as long as I can remember and I've been doing it my entire life. I have performed with some of gospel music's greatest, so singing with singers who didn't know much, under the direction of someone who knew less was difficult. But hey! The things you tolerate when you love someone. There were a few red flags as to what I was dealing with while I was there, but I chose to ignore them, after all I had JUST gotten him back into my life and I wasn't going to let anything stop me from being with him. We didn't get to hang out alone that much after we sang. There was always so much activity so we just gave each other eyes every now and then. When we did get a moment, we kissed or hugged, that was usually all there was time for. That night, as he took me to the hotel, we were just riding along chilling out. We stopped by Wal-Mart and when we got back into the car it was raining. He started to take me to the hotel and the rain, the music and the way we kept touching each other's hands made it impossible to drive on. So, I asked him to pull over because I really wanted him at that moment. He did and we kissed and made out for about 20 minutes, we looked around and saw that we were barely off the expressway! He didn't even pull all the way over, that's how anxious we were to touch. We decided that if anything happened, then we didn't want it to happen in the car. It would be better, and safer, if we waited to get back to the hotel. We made it back and soon as the door closed, we were going at it again. I wanted to shower because we had been running around all day so he let me go. When I came out, he had taken his shirt off. He told me that as much as he wanted to make love that there was no time for him to do all that he wanted to do. But he DID want to put me to sleep, and that's exactly what he did.... Bliss....

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