Saturday, November 20, 2010

OK..... Going BACK to MySpace to transfer......

Mar 10, 2008

Current mood: blessed

Introducing Kyndall....

Well, after weeks of waiting, I am finally introducing my baby girl to MySpace BUT for 24 hours ONLY! There are people that I REALLY don't want to see her! SO, I am only leaving them up for 24 hours. That should give my friends time to see her and then no one can say that I never gave them a chance to see her!

Last week Kyndall had a cold!!! Talk about me freaking out, I mean I sat with her ALL NIGHT LONG!!! Listening to every sneeze, every sniffle, every little cough. Then there were the nights that she didn't want to eat because she couldn't breathe through her little nose...I know....Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.. Poor thing was miserable, BUT Glory Be To God, she's all done with it now! I'm so happy that she's feeling better now. AND nursing up a STORM!!! LOL Yeah, she's back to her usual GREEDY little self! Believe me when I say though, I am NOT complaining. I'd rather have her greedy and well any day!

Kennedy and Karson are doing better too, Karson is getting over his allergies SO he's back to getting into EVERYTHING! Kennedy is loving school and even though she was sick, she didn't wanna stay home from school. When I was her age if I got sick I WANTED to stay home. My mom used to spoil me SO badly when I was home sick! Did anyone else's mom make a bed for you on the couch and feed you soup, crackers, ginger ale and popsicles in between your LONG naps? Does anyone else remember watching The Price Is Right and then your mom's soap operas? My mom was into Guiding Light and The Young And The Restless!!! LOL I didn't feel good those days BUT it was always made me feel better to be with my mom. I used to look forward to being sick sometimes because I knew what it meant, being with mom all day and having all of her attention to myself! Anyway, I'm gonna go now before I start getting misty eyed remembering those days! Later...


7:39 PM

This post was written while I was still speaking to Isaiah and I didn't really want him or anyone in his family peering at pics of my daughter trying to spot a resemblance.

Jun 13, 2008

Current mood: adored

Do you know how it feels to be FIRST in a man's life? Do you know how it feels to have a man that is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY in love with JUST YOU? Do you know what it's like to not have to hear constant complaints and judgements about YOUR life from people who can't even keep THEIR lives together? How about getting house-cleaning advice from someone who doesn't keep their OWN house clean on the regular? How about having money that YOU earned and are able to spend the way YOU want to spend it without someone else telling you how to spend it when THEY could use a few lessons on how to manage money? Isn't it precious to be able to raise THREE children ALONE and still do better than a household that actually has TWO parents? How about never having to look up and find that the lights, gas and/or water has been shut off?

Sorry about all that, I just had to vent for a few minutes! AND now that I'm done I will not mention any of that anymore! There's no need, just because I have decided to move on and forgive the things that have been done to me. I feel like if the Lord can forgive me, I should be able to forgive the people who wronged me.

Anyway, life is good these days. God has blessed me immensely and I really have no complaints! I am getting ready to MOVE!!! I am going to Atlanta, GA where I think I'll have a better chance of getting my ministry off the ground! I'm ready for the Lord to use me in a mighty way and am preparing myself for whatever He wants me to do!

The kids? Well, they're doing just GREAT! Kennedy, Karson and Kyndall are growing and getting more and more beautiful as the days go by! Kennedy is turning into a little lady who cares more about her appearance and now REFUSES to leave the house without lipgloss!! LOL Yes, the rest of her has to be together too! Her hair, her outfit..... Wait! She's turning out just like ME!!! LOL Now that the baby is here and I'm back to my fly and fashionable self, I don't leave the house looking crazy anymore! Karson is doing WAY better, he's a little man who is in love with his baby sister! I mean, all he wants to do is stare at her or hold her. And if she's crying, he comes and tells me "Mommie, hurry up and get Candle (That's what he calls her!), she needs you!" He wants to help me bathe her and dress her. It's really sweet how close he is to her. I hope that all of them remain close to each other. Kyndall? Well, what can I say about my other little lady? LOL She has changed SO much! I have made some decisions concerning her. I have decided to STOP contacting her "father" about her. If he was really all that concerned about her, he would find a way to help me with her! Now, I don't NEED his help, nor do I want anything from him! I have made sure that Kyndall has had everything that she needs...... Including a father!!! LOL She has all she needs, and I don't think it's fair to keep him apprised of what's happening in her life when he's not apart of it! So, I'm done with that! I'm over him and being abandoned by him and I refuse to allow my daughter to go through being second best to his other kids! SO, she has a man in her life who treats her Kennedy and Karson like they're his own biological children! He wants to MARRY me, and have other children with me! He wants to ADOPT Kennedy, Karson AND Kyndall! And I have decided to allow him to do so! Kennedy and Karson's father has agreed to give up his paternal rights. AND Kyndall? Well since her donor couldn't be bothered to sign her birth certificate, we don't have to worry about that!!!

So, while YOU'RE raising someone else's daughter and can't be bothered with your OWN blood, someone else will be raising Kyndall! Hope it's worth it to you! Have a great life being henpecked and controlled!!


2:55 PM

This post says it all.....

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