Saturday, November 27, 2010

HaPpY ThAnKsGiViNg!!!

Yes, yes, yes, I know it is TWO DAYS AFTER Thanksgiving but I really didn't have the time to write at all, what with family and food and fun!! I was thinking of what I could possibly be thankful for. After all, I spend alot of time in this blog complaining about how some loser and his loser family messed up my life. I realized that even in that, I have many things to be thankful for....

1. I am thankful for my life, health and strength, but most of all I am grateful to still be mentally stable after my experience there, after all look what you've done to your "wife's" self-esteem.

2. I am thankful for Kyndall because while I get to see her every day, you don't. I heard the first words, you didn't. I saw the first teeth pop through pink baby gums, you didn't. I got to walk the floor with her during her first fever, you didn't. I have been present at EACH and EVERY doctor's appointment, you haven't. I get to listen to her vocabulary grow each day, you don't. I get to watch her sweet face as she sleeps at night, you don't. I get to hear the sweet bell of sound that is her laughter, you don't. I get to shop 'til I drop, buying her beautiful outfits and dressing her like the princess that she is, you can't afford it. I get to love her, you don't.  Finally, I have the privilege of even KNOWING her, whereas, you never will. Your loss.

3. I am thankful that  Kennedy if well enough to talk about you without sobbing. She can look at pictures of you without vomitting and has not tried to kill herself because of YOU for over a year now.  She is doing well in therapy and while she is still on meds, doesn't think about you and what you did to her anymore.

4. I am thankful that Karson went to the bathroom BY HIMSELF for the first time last Friday. His therapist says that he is healing. Eventually, he won't even remember you and every evil thing that you did will never cross his mind again. One day, he'll sleep through the night without dreaming of your "wife" beating him for no reason OR of your horrible son putting him in a toy chest and sitting on it so he can't get out. One day, he'll be as free mentally from you people as he is physically.

5. I am thankful that even though you choose to continue to lie and hide what you did, God has freed me of it. I am thankful for the strength to step forward and claim my part in the sin so that I could be forgiven. I am thankful that God has forgiven me and that He loved me enough to help me get over you. You will never have the effect you had on me again.....

6. I am thankful for my singing ability and how God will show YOU my reward. He will show me being rewarded for being a woman of my word and never dealing with you again. You will watch me win Sunday's Best! You will watch me sign my first record contract and you will see my CD in stores! However, your ministry will continue to decline until there is no one in your group but people who choose to believe your lies.

7. I am thankful for my supportive family and a mother that even though I tried to shut her out of my life, at YOUR urging, stayed with me even through my sin.She prayed for me and loved me even when I was trying to listen to YOU and dog her. Imagine what would have happened if I had listened to you. I would have NO ONE!

Thanksgiving is just another day for me because I am thankful for the things on my list year-round. God is good to me daily and each morning brings bew mercies from Him.


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