Wednesday, September 22, 2010

OT! Bishop Eddie Long...

Well, I thought that I wrote this blog to speak on what happened to ME while I was living in Ohio, but it turns out that there are other subjects that I want to speak on, so I shall. If you do NOT agree with what I am saying: PLEASE go elsewhere! The internet is HUGE and there are many web-sites that you can visit that WILL say what you'd like to hear. Today, I am going to talk about the Bishop Eddie Long situation.

First a summary:
Within the past few days, two young men came forward and filed lawsuits against Bishop Eddie Long for sexual coercion (among other things), now today a TOTALLY different young man came forward and filed a THIRD suit against him. His lawyers are categorically denying any and all accusations and his church members are denying that their pastor/Bishop committed these deplorable sins.

This is basically all anyone knows about the case, yet many people on Facebook and elsewhere are up in arms about his innocence or guilt. Honestly, I believe the accusations are true. I'm sorry but if you'd read the rest of my blog, you'll understand why I feel this way. After having lived a life not pleasing to God for an entire year, while pretending to be a true Chrisitian, I know that it can and is done. Anyone who is not LYING to themselves knows that all have fallen and come short of the glory of God and it is entirely possible that what these young men said happened REALLY DID happen to them! Everyone is dogging these young men for coming forward BUT what if they are telling the truth? Do you really expect Bishop Long to come out and say, "Yes, I am a perv that took advantage of young boys while climbing the ladder to become a powerful Bishop"? Are his lawyers supposed to say, "Bishop Long is a perv that coerced three, maybe more, boys into having sex with him and he is willing to step forward to apologize and make things right"? What about his parishiners? What should they say? How about, "Our Bishop is a perv who has been molesting boys, yet we love and support him because we are idiots"? It's no to all of the above! Everyone is saying what you would EXPECT them to say in this situation. Bishop Long is most certainly not going to cop to this. He's going to lie!

Now that I've said my piece about how I really feel about the situation, I feel better. I have chosen a side and if I'm wrong, I am. It has nothing to do with me and I really don't care what happens after this. I actually hope that the young men are lying, but I have a sad feeling that they are not. Bishop Long has alot to lose if he confesses, but not as much as if he continues to lie and is caught! People would be more sympathetic if he came forward and said he did it, repented and moved on. BUT if he continues to lie and it's found that these young men are being truthful, many people will find it hard to ever trust him again. I honestly do NOT feel sorry for him, he let himself be put in the postion of being accused. The people I feel for are his WIFE (Yes, I said wife), children (Yes, he has children) and his congregation. These are the people that he is accountable to for his actions. I pray that none of this is true, but if it is, he certainly has alot of blood on his hands.....

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