Thursday, September 23, 2010

MySpace Blog- February 21, 2008- March 1, 2008

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Current mood: embarrassed

Category: Life


Ear piercing. Is it really that important that I get her ears pierced or am I just doing because it's expected? I mean, couldn't I wait until she's like..... 20? 25 seems to be a good age at which to put holes in my daughter's ears. (25 YEARS not MONTHS!) Mom is telling me that I should get it done NOW. Because as young as she is, she won't be able to mess with them. She doesn't have enough control to pull at her ears, and since she'll have just had her shots we'll be getting EVERYTHING out of the way! That sounds like a good arguement BUT I wanna wait because I don't want them to just have STABBED her up for immunizations only to take to the mall and have her MUTILATED there! Yes, I know that I'm being melodramatic but I don't want her to hurt TOO much. Anyway, I'm just gonna suck it up and have it done. Just get it over with! The sooner we get it over with, the better! Just pray for me, 'cause I have a feeling it's gonna be more traumatic for ME than it will be for HER!!!! LOL

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Well, I’m praying....

Current mood: determined

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

MY plan is to move to Atlanta this summer, but the question I'm asking myself is this; What is GOD'S plan for me? Does He want me and the children to relocate to Georgia? Will my ministry flourish there? Is my next home church there? Can my children and I be happy there? Is the help my children need to healthy and happy there? Those are the questions I'm asking God since there doesn't seem to be a REAL reason that I'm staying here in Niagara Falls. But since God's ways are not my ways, neither His thoughts mine, He could have a reason for my being back here right now. Hopefully, He'll reveal to me as I seek after Him. As I pray more and get into His word, these are things that I need for Him to reveal to me.

My children are doing well here, and they seem to be really happy now. But will they be happy if we live somewhere else? OK I gotta go feed my daughter, I'll write more about this later!


O.K. I'm back! It's so funny how opinionated someone so small can be! I mean, when she wants her food, she REALLY wants her food!! LOL She fell out on me and everything! LOL Anyway, there's not much more to say. I'm just praying and waiting on the Lord to tell me what to do. I hope that He answers me soon! I'm ready to start what He has for me to do!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Let me say this....

Current mood: animated

Category: Friends

O.K. I know that I have spent alot of time bashing Ohio, but quite honestly aside from the bad situation that I lived through there, I DID make quite a few great friends there! And all the times that I had there weren't BAD. Let me see; if I say of the 100% of the time that I was there, 55% of my time there wasn't THAT bad and I can say that I was sincerely happy there about 40% of that time! LOL That's not too bad considering the things that I was going through and again. the people I met there made the 45% of HORRIBLE feel bearable!

Anyway, my mother asked me a question today. She asked me if I didn't think that I might wanna move back to Ohio! Isn't that the greatest joke? She really likes Elder and Sister Malone and she thinks that I should take him up on his offer of help to get into an apartment and a job and move on back there. You know what? If Ohio was the LAST state on earth I would NOT go back there! It would really be too much trouble. Kennedy and Karson are settled here and doing well. The church we go to now is a nice place AND the baby's doctor is great! Yes, I know I'm planning to move away from here again, BUT not for a little while maybe 3-6 months or so. I want the baby to be a little older before I travel with her. AND that gives Ken and Kars' therapist to prepare them a little better before we go this time. The last time I moved, I didn't REALLY prepare them at ALL and ended up paying the price once I moved!

Where are we moving? Well, since I'm kinda tired of all this cold weather, I'm praying (YES, seriously praying!) about going down South. I have family in Atlanta so that would be a prime location for me, PLUS there are ALOT of churches down there where I can be used of God! (Not used of people!) AND since Mom is going to Florida, in Georgia I'll be ALOT closer to her. Closer than I would be if moved back to Ohio! Moving away to a new city is scary but it's not as though I've never done it before. I'll have my Chaddy (My buddy) to help me, and then Ja-Jo (My cousin) lives there along with my aunt so it won't be like I don't know anyone there. PLUS I have my cousin, Dana AND my sister is planning to move down there also, so I'll continue to pray about it.

SO, I'm going to go to bed now as I have a small person who will be cooing in my face in a couple of hours and then progressing to SCREAMING if I'm not smiling in her face with my breast out! LOL Babies are funny! Especially Smushyface (Kyndall), she has quite a little personality already. The way she looks at me

sometimes, I feel as though she knows more than she should! She's the most beautiful baby! Can be fussy, ESPECIALLY when she doesn't get her way but beautiful nonetheless! And then there are the two small people who have to get on their busses at 8:04am and 8:30am, so I'll have to be up at 6:00am..... Ahhhhhhhhhh, the joys of single Mommyhood Later, Blog!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Doctors’ Appointment

Current mood: ecstatic

Category: Life

Life is precious! I took Kyndall to the doctors' today since I was concerned about her weight gain. (I am breasfeeding.) And since breasts don't come with ounce measurements on the sides like bottles do, you HAVE to use your baby's weight to determine if she's getting enough milk. Well, let's see; Kyndall weighed 7 lbs and was 20 inches long at birth, when she was discharged from the hospital 6 days later she weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. (still 20 inches long) and today at 6 weeks of age she weighs (DRUMROLL PLEASE!) 9 POUNDS and 10 OUNCES! AND she is 22 1/2 inches long, SO I guess she is getting enough! LOL I am really starting to enjoy my baby now that the post-partum depression is easing up. It was really hard coming to grips with the fact that her dad will not be around to help raise her, BUT it's not MY loss, it's his. I got her FIRST smile and her first bath and I get to see her every day. What a blessing she is to me. Kennedy and Karson's dad lost even more; I got the first smiles, first steps, hearing them call me Mommie, first teeth. All the firsts that God has blessed me to experience again with Kyndall! SO, I am feeling ALOT better about the situation! I CAN DO THIS BY MYSELF WITH GOD'S HELP!

I thank God for the companionship of the man that He has put into my life. I'm telling you it takes a REAL man to help with children that are not biologically his! And I'm grateful for the man I have. Just think, had I stayed in Ohio, I KNOW that I would STILL be miserable but God freed me from an awful situation and I will always be thankful for the second chance that He has given!

September 23, 2010
These entried were right after Kyndall was born in January. I was going through Postpartum Depression and trying to be cheerful! I can't tell if it was working or not but I certainly tried. I was feeling miserable about my life at that point. It's kinda hard to go back and read some of the posts. I was just finding out alot of things about what this dude did to my kids....

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