Saturday, January 1, 2011

NeW YeAr, NeW Me!!! Welcome, 2011!!

I just wanted to say Happy New Year! All is well and I am still here, praising God for allowing me to see another new year. I have decided to allow some sleeping dogs lie but worry not, I will still be posting my past experiences here. The difference? I will not allow Isaiah or his "wife" to have power over my life anymore. I have realized that even though I am no longer around them, they STILL have so much influence in my life. As much as I hate to admit it, I have allowed what they've done to shape who I am today. It has shaped who I trust, who I love, how I love and even how I serve the Lord. I have given two powerless, useless individuals, who have no control over their OWN lives to control mine. Isn't that strange? Well, NO MORE!! I have decided that their control stops here!

I have released my hatred for her, and my total disdain for him. I have GRANTED forgiveness, meaning that even though I don't quite FEEL forgiveness, I will forgive because it's what the Lord requires of me AND it's what's best for ME and my children. I am living too well to remain mired down by a man who can't even pay his bills. God has been TOO good to me to allow Isaiah Freeman to have so much influence over my life! He doesn't even deserve to be in my thoughts.

I just want to say that I forgive you. I release you. You are no longer a priority in my thoughts. When I am done with this post, I will never think of you again except when I am writing about you in this blog. The ONLY reason I will even continue to write is because it makes ME feel better and people deserve to know what you are, so they won't fall into the same trap that I did. You know the one? Thinking that you were actually a good person! You are a liar and so is your "wife". I feel badly for her because her perception of God is extremely skewed. There is NO WAY that the Lord would make ANYONE stay in a horrible marriage just to prove that He is God! You continue to lie on Him, making Him your reason for staying in a marriage with a man who has somehow convinced you that you NEED him and are a loser without him. BUT when are you going to realize that you are an even bigger loser WITH him! LOL! The two of you are fortunate that I am not using your real names, even though you don't deserve any privacy. One day I will tell who you are, but not until I feel led to.

SO, Happy New Year! This will be the greatest year EVER!!!


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