Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Well.... Hello!

Nothing's been going on here, just living day to day and finishing up my degree. Yeah, I'm excited BUT I've done this several times before SO finishing school and graduating is old hat for me now. I'll walk the stage for this AA in July in Phoenix BUT I'll start my BS on March 22, 2011. I'm really excited  about getting started, I LOVE learning new things and I am eager to get started!

Anyway, nothing's been happening on the Israel front. Yeah, I said his REAL name. I figured since I left it in the letters, that I would just go ahead and leave it here. He claims that people know so no one should be really shocked or appalled about knowing that he has a daughter that he doesn't even see or know. Hell, it's not like he's never done it before. His other daughter gets no love from him either, since the only children that mean anything are the "Golden Spawn" that he created with the dude he lives with. Low blow? Probably, but this is the only place that I allow myself such pleasures, since I keep this out of my real life.

Actually, there is something to tell. You're gonna think I'm NUTS, but I was actually considering moving BACK to Columbus. I'd made plans to visit there is April with my sister and figured that the reason that I'd never gone back to get my stuff out of storage is because I  was somehow "MEANT" to move back there. Up until yesterday, I was really serious about it too. I have a GREAT job offer with the Dept of Job and Family Services making 17.50 hourly, located a great three bedroom condo in Eastland and had even found a church to attend. All that was left was to really just move. BUT I began to think about some things.

1. My daughter REALLY doesn't ever want to lay eyes on him or anyone he's associated with ever again.

2. Since he and his family rely on welfare, while he sits back and does nothing but wait on the record deal that he will never get, I will probably have the misfortune of running into them at my job.

3. I will probably run into them while shopping, getting gas and/or working out.

4. Since I have no clue where their children go to school, there is a chance that I would have to deal with them in that setting as well.

4. When I go out for singing engagements or concerts or out just to dinner, I'll probably see their whack faces then too!

SO, while I really want to go back, I have to consider my children's peace of mind. Kennedy really has no real desire to go back to Columbus. She is afraid that we will run into Israel and/or his thug of a "wife" somewhere and she doesn't want to deal with them. Karson was fine once I reassured him that Israel and his "family" would not be a part of our existence. He doesn't really remember much outside of nightmares about Israel's "wife", so he doesn't really care. He trusts his mom and believes that I would do all that I can to keep those "people" away from him. Kyndall? Well, she just wants to be where Mommie is. Wherever that may be. PLUS Columbus seems to be becoming a ghost town for singers. A good friend of mine was heard on Facebook lamenting that she hasn't sang in a while. And this girl can REALLY sing! I don't want to get there and have my prospects dried up because of Israel's lies, because we ALL know that he can lie REALLY well! People already think that I DRUGGED HIM! I should take him to court for defamation and slander BUT what would I sue him for. All those raggedy computers? Wait! I could get all of those old videos. Naw... Maybe I could sue him for his car? But I don't need a junker. Musical equipment? Nah, that belongs to his "group". Well, I don't think I'll sue him NOW, I'll wait until he has something to sue FOR. It'd be JUST my luck that someone signs this loser, then I'll take him to court for child support! LOL! I don't think that's a REAL worry for me. While there are many people with no talent who have record deals, when they claim to be able to sing and/or play an instrument, they usually can at LEAST play and not leave their fingers in the same place on the keyboard while transposing the key! LOL! Wow! WEML!!!! (WhatEverMajorLoser!)

Well, I'm done with my mangling of this dude today. I'm eventually going to get around to getting the rest of my MySpace blog over here so you can read EVERYTHING. It should make for interesting reading. Especially since you now know his real name.....